Black Mold on Drywall? Get Rid of It Right Away

No sane homeowner in the world can put up with having black mold on the drywall of their houses. Not only it makes your house interior look dirty and unkempt, it can also cause some serious health issues. This is why many people always prefer getting rid of it or any other kind of mold. Just like the number one unwanted guest.

Is Black Mold On The Drywall Really Dangerous?

Let’s just face it; a drywall is one of the materials at home easily infested by fungi and other types of mold. The others are wood, carpet, tiles, and grout.

If you are still curious about how dangerous it is, you may check out media like Medical Mycology and Fungal Biology. Not only disgusting, the existence of black mold at home, especially on the drywall, will make the residents of the house fall sick easily. Perhaps you can still take it if it only happens once or twice.

However, nobody wants to get sick all the time.

Black Mold On The Drywall In The Basement

How do we get rid of the black mold on the drywall in the basement, since the basement is located underground where it can be damp and moist, especially during summer or if you live in a tropical area?

These are the tools you need to remove the black mold on the drywall in your basement:

  • Glasses
  • Respirator mask
  • Knife or a keyhole saw
  • Bleach to disinfect
  • Two fans for ventilation
  • Disposable gloves
  • Sponge and a bucket
  • Detergent without ammonia in it
  • Wet-dry vacuum cleaner

This is how the process goes:

  1. Stop the leaking water and ventilate the basement

After fixing the pipe, you can start removing the mold with the materials you have. Close the doors so the mold will not travel to other rooms. Once you finish removing, leave the drywall and open the windows while turning on the fans to air the basement.

If you cannot fix the leaking pipes yourself, call the plumber.

  1. Remove the affected surface

Wearing rubber gloves, goggles, and mask, you can start using the keyhole saw or knife to cut the affected surface. Dump the contaminated parts into a garbage disposal.

  1. Clean the affected area

With a bucket of hot water and detergent, clean the affected area. Scrub it thoroughly and rinse it before you vacuum it to soak up the moisture. After that, use the bleach to disinfect the area.

Black Mold On The Drywall In The Bedroom

Since there are many things in the bedroom, you might want to shift or move away some furniture to expose the affected area. The process is the same thing with the previous chapter. To be on the safe side, you can either move the furniture out of the room first or wrap them all in plastic to avoid the mold from affecting them.

Black Mold On The Drywall In The Garage

Besides the basement, the garage is also another part of the house that mold often visits. If you have not had a garage yet or would like to build one, make sure the materials used for the garage are inhospitable for any mold.

However, if your garage is already made of not-so-ideal materials and the mold has already infested, you can start cleaning the same way. How to prevent the mold from returning to the same spot or spreading on the drywall in your garage? Work on the air ventilation. You can either use an air-dehumidifier or have better ventilation. Once in a while, let the sunshine in so the mold will not return to your drywall.

What Kills Black Mold On Drywall?

There are ways to kill black mold or any kind of mold on your drywall. If you live in tropical areas, you have both the advantage and disadvantage. Thanks to the sunlight, you have a natural way to kill black mold so it does not return home easily. This is why your parent always suggests that you open your bedroom window every morning.

When the temperature rises in tropical areas, the level of humidity also rises. This is why you have to do a regular check on certain areas around your house. Once you spot even a small blob of dark-looking mold, do not just take it for granted. Start cleaning up right away.

Besides regular cleaning, make sure that you always have the bleaching products handy. Bleach always works wonders as a disinfectant, so it makes any kind of mold go away. Other materials that work wonders to get rid of the mold besides bleach include:

  • Ammonia
  • Borax
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Last but not least, make sure that you look after your health very well and choose the good quality materials for your home. This includes the drywall. So next time, you will not have so much trouble with the black mold on drywall.

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