Signs of Black Mold in Your Home

Having got allergies lately? Perhaps it is not because you have not been looking after yourself that well recently. It may also not be the season of allergies that have caused those reactions. If you look around much more carefully and thoroughly, perhaps you will find some other things that might be the cause: signs of black mold at home.

How do we identify signs of black mold at home? We are about to find out soon.

What Does Black Mold Look and Smell Like?

The first thing to do when spotting any signs of black mold is to recognise its appearance and smell. What does black mold look and smell like?

At first, you might think it is just a speck of dirt on the wall or the sink in your bathroom. What you are unaware of, it might be a sign of growing mold. You should take action immediately before it starts spreading.

The least visible mold usually looks white and very thin, sometimes almost thread-like. The darker ones, like in small black spots, gray-brown, gray-green, and black are the most visible. Even if you cannot really see them, you can still smell them. The odour of the mold will make the air inside the room feel stuffy, which leads to the worsening of your allergies.

Even if you cannot see nor smell the mold (regardless your not-so-sensitive nose or just another allergic reaction), you still need to be careful. If you often feel sick while you are at home instead of outdoors, there is a chance that you have some serious amount of mold at home.

How To Identify Black Mold


That is probably the first and only utterance when you hear the words “black mold.” It is very understandable since the name itself tends to make anyone cringe. Nobody wants to have any kinds of mold at home. Not only gross, but the mold is also one of the most common triggers of your allergies.

Most homeowners who favour cleanliness any day would be more aware of any signs of black mold. This type of mold is also well-known to be “toxic” or “dangerous”. Stachybotrys chartrarum is the most famous one, although it is actually greenish-black. If you have this type at home, then you had better do some serious cleanup or hire a professional instead.

Stachybtoris consists of mycotoxins, which can cause breathing problems, asthma, itchy skin, sore eyes, sneezing, coughing, and fatigue. This is why, aside from relying on your eyesight, use your nose to identify its musty, earthly smell. As disgusting as it is, the smell of the mold will remind you of dirt and rotting leaves. In certain cases (mixed with the temperature of that day), you might also get a sense of dampness in the room.

The growth of Stachybotys  might worsen if your house has been flooded before. Other things that can help to spread its growth are water-saturated, cellulose-based materials. These things include wicker, cotton, drywall, cardboard, lumber, and dust or lint.

If you are one of the homeowners who prefer staying safe and healthy, you will probably make sure that mold never stays long. Any signs of black or any kind of mold will drive you to keep your house clean. If you are not, well.. .you had better start now.

Signs and Symptoms of Being Exposed To Black Mold

After noticing signs of black mold existing and growing at home, then it is time to focus on you. Yes, you – the homeowners who need to do more cleanup but somehow fail to fulfill that very important task.

Now, how do we detect any signs and symptoms of us being exposed to black mold? Regarding your allergic reactions, you can see that the obvious signs include:

  • Wheezing (or trouble breathing).
  • Rashes on the skin.
  • Either your eyes will get watery, red, or itchy. Sometimes, it is even the possible combination of two or all three together. This is definitely not the kind of trio you would like to affect your eyes at once.
  • A runny nose.
  • Coughing

All health symptoms above will definitely decrease the quality of your life – and that is only because of mold. Taking prescribed antihistamines might be an easy way out, but would you like to be dependent on those pills for the rest of your productive lives? If the answer is no, then it is time that you did something with your home.

If the mold has grown into a colony, removing them will require more effort. In some cases, even after the hardest scrubbing, the tile colour may not return to its original state. In the worst case scenario, a colony of mold might remain hidden and unseen…somewhere deep within the walls or the tiles.

This is why you shoud never ignore any signs of black mold or any kind of it. If you want to have a great quality home life, then make sure it never stays – no matter what.

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