Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

The mission of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is to provide effective regulations and means to comprehensively manage solid and hazardous waste, from generation to disposal. These regulations must be adhered to by any person or organization that deals with solid and hazardous waste, including the production, transportation, storage or disposal of the waste. …

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Clean Air Act

Clean Air Act

The air that we breathe is essential to maintain life, and low quality, polluted air can pose a serious risk on both the environment and on public health. The aim of the Clean Air Act is to monitor safety levels of airborne pollutants, and to initiate regulations and controls to protect the air from dangerous …

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Clean Water Act

Clean Water Act

There are a number of federal environmental statutes that make up environmental law, and these are aimed at defending and protecting particular aspects of the environment, thus also promoting public health and welfare. As the name might suggest, the Clean Water Act is dedicated to the defence and protection of the nation’s water. This act …

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Benzene Lawyer

Benzene Lawyer

Benzene is a clear, sweet smelling chemical that has been linked to various forms of leukemia as well as other health issues. It is thought that many chemical companies have been aware of the dangers of Benzene for quite some time, but despite this knowledge these same companies failed to warn workers or protect them …

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Benzene Lawsuit

Benzene Lawsuit

Benzene, a colorless, sweet-smelling chemical, is used in a number of products, including dyes, solvents, paints, plastics, chemical products, and the petroleum industry. Those working with Benzene products are classed as a high risk group, and this is because these people are at increased risk of dangerous exposure levels of Benzene, which can result in …

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