Benzene Health Effects: Acute and Chronic

Benzene Health Effects: Acute and Chronic

Benzene is a toxic chemical that occurs naturally in the environment but is also used by man in a wide range of products. Exposure to this chemical can result in a range of side effects, which can be acute or chronic, and can be deadly. Long term exposure or high level exposure to benzene can …

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Benzene Exposure

Benzene Exposure

Benzene, a clear liquid chemical that with a sweet smell, is very widely used in a range of products. This means that most people are exposed to this chemical is some form or another every day of our lives. However, this chemical can have deadly effects on those that are exposed to it for long …

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Toxic Mold FAQ

Toxic Mold FAQ

What is mold and where is it found? Mold is a kind of fungus that feeds on moisture and grows anyplace where it is damp or where there is decaying matter. Mold is a fungus that is found everywhere, in all parts of the world, and is not something that is seen only in the …

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Toxic Mold Lawyer

Toxic Mold Lawyer

Mold is never a pleasant situation to deal with, but when it comes to toxic mold it is not just a case of being unpleasant but also downright dangerous. Toxic mold can cause a wide range of health problems, from respiratory difficulties to death, and toxic mold litigation has become a multi-million dollar industry. There …

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Toxic Mold Claims

Toxic Mold Claims

Mold is a substance that is naturally occurring and so it always present in the environment. However, toxic molds are those containing some for of toxic substance that can cause harm to humans as well as animals. These toxic molds have become more predominant over the past couple of decades due to new methods used …

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